Stumble Guys 2

Stumble Guys 2

Star: 1Star: 2Star: 3Star: 4Star: 5

Few titles have managed to capture the hearts of consumers quite like this one. This zany and endlessly entertaining project took the universe by storm!

Enter Stumble Guys 2 a worthy successor to the original work that builds upon its foundations and delivers even more outrageous challenges and customization options. It retains the core mechanics that made the first installment so addictive.

You are still thrust into a world of wacky obstacles, slapstick physics, and ferocious competition. The objective is simple: outlast your rivals and be the last standing. However, the sequel is way more interesting!

For starters, the masterpiece offers an expanded range of characters, each with their own unique abilities. From jetpack-equipped people to those who can summon bizarre contraptions, the possibilities for outlandish moments are endless.

Arcade Games